Issue # 81 REVIEWS
New! New! New! Zzaj PODCAST!
We now have 3 TOTALLY FREE CD's (with free cover art) available for download at our NETLABEL site! The only thing we ask is that you scroll to the bottom of the page(s) & give us a REVIEW! Please ADVERTISE this to ALL your friends... tell them we are GIVING AWAY music!
I've played in over 65 "bands" . We will highlight a few of these bands in this (and future) issues.
Featured Zzaj band for issue #81 - Sound Council (these don't auto-start - CLICK the PLAY button to listen while you read - or don't, totally up to you! You can also PURCHASE these tracks, if you'd like to support our efforts; no obligation to do that, but the option is there if you'd like!)
This grouping featured John Alkins on keyboards and percussives, Harlan Mark Vale on keyboards and drums, with me on Kurzweill PC 88. ENJOY!
Craig -
promoter was right in their email cut sheet... this is some truly beautiful
music. Jamie's music isn't "strictly" New Age, though it certainly falls
(a bit) in that realm... actually, if a label must be assigned, I think
I'd call it "21st Century New Progressive". There is solid rhythmic
underpinning that carries his music to a level much more pleasant and accessible
than some of the more "purist" music in the New Age genre... he is still able to
create fantastic dream scenarios, with beautiful string washes, especially on
track like "Movement Z", one of my favorites on the album. One of the most
energetic/powerful tunes on the CD is kind of a "New Age Gospel" track called
"The Power and The Glory".... a totally new listening experience that will
really move your mind into a "different" phase than you're used to if you're a
huge fan of this genre. I really enjoyed the emotional lift the tune gave
me; in fact, it is my favorite cut, probably because it will challenge the
listener. All 'round a wonderful and inspiring listen... I rate it as MOST
HIGHLY RECOMMENDED! Get more info at Jamie's site at
Rotcod Zzaj
Paul Carr -
(Remembering Joe Henderson): Folks, if you eat, sleep & breathe jazz,
you're gonna' have to HAVE this CD. I didn't realize I'd heard Paul until
I spotted a review of the Eric Byrd trio in issue #80...
his tenor was nearly as scorching on Eric's tribute to Ray Charles as it is on
this superb album. It's energy personified from the git, & it DOES "git",
people, with that kind of "full body blow" that's the sign of CLASSIC jazz
artistry! Most of the cuts are indeed tributes to compositions by Mr.
Henderson, but the title track is an original by Paul, as is track 5, "Classroom
Agenda", by far my favorite piece on the album (though Joe's "Black Narcissus"
comes in mighty near... one of the most emotionally packed tunes I've heard in
years). Tribute albums often have a bad rep, in that they come off as
"wannabe's", but that certainly isn't the case on "Musically Yours"... it's
almost like Paul has somehow tapped into Joe's spiritual energy, & is bringing
his mem'ry back, if only for a few tunes. This one gets a MOST HIGHLY
RECOMMENDED, as well as the "PICK" of this issue for "best tenor sax"! Get
more information at
Rotcod Zzaj
David Buchbinder - ODESSA HAVANA: Here's
yet another fantastic, & very different jazz experience for your
ears! David uses his significant talent on trumpet to combine Jewish &
Cuban music into a listen that you won't soon forget! Pianist Hilario
Duran's keys contribute greatly to the success of this fusion, often keeping the
Latin rhythm running as a counterpoint to horn works that must have come from
ancient Jewish ritual... &, believe it or not, it really WORKS, even for a jaded
jazz aficionado like me. It's easy to hear why this was released on John
Zorn's Tzadik label - the music is both entertaining and challenging at the same
time... I can tell you, this isn't "tired", or "clichéd" in any way. I've
heard many artists try to make this kind of multi-cultural jazz "happen", but
none of them comes CLOSE to what you will hear here! This one is my
FAVORITE for 2008, getting both our MOST HIGHLY RECOMMENDED, as well as the
"PICK" of this issue for "most challenging jazz"! Superb and decidedly
cutting edge! Get more information at
Rotcod Zzaj SAMPLE
TRACKS (from OdessaHavana site)
Dave Askren - TRIO NUEVO +:
Dave's nylon string guitar work on this CD is superb... a couple of original
tracks, and several notable covers (folks like John Coltrane, Joe Henderson &
Charles Mingus, just to name a few). He's joined on bass by Eddie Resto,
and by drummers Walter Rodriguez & Ramon Banda. Monk's "Epistrophy", track
6, is my particular favorite on this album... Askren & krew make the tune just
"float" in/out of your consciousness, with lots of lush bass lines running great
counterpoint to highly energetic guitar lines, & the percussion is superb.
The players certainly seemed to be having a blast, and their joy is
infectious... you'll find your mind tapping rhythms right with them, and after
you've absorbed it a couple of times, you'll realize this is one of those hooks
that comes back to haunt you (in a good way, of course). I also liked the
opening track, Dave's original composition, "Tiene Tyner", a great deal - the
whole band is tight & will wrap you in after only a couple of bars. I rate
this one HIGHLY RECOMMENDED... get more information at Rotcod
Mantis - TRANSPHONIC DIMENSIONS: Our pals over at Wooweb have been busy
hoppin' across tesseracts & time warps, as they produced this wonderfully "out
there" CD - but we wouldn't expect any less from them. We've been
reviewing material from Bonnie Kane & her wizard warren for eons now... "Mambo
Mantis" will take you through the layers of improvised travel on a journey that
doesn't necessarily take you back where you originated from... in fact, you'll
probably never be able to "get back" what you started with. That's not
necessarily a bad thing, though, 'coz tuneage like "Now The Leg" will unleash
potentials you've never even imagined before. Bonnie is in fine form here,
taking her sax where no man (or woman) has dared gone before. The drums
are crisp & the the rest of the instruments accompany in a mode that can only be described as "fury".
This is my favorite cut on the album, though "China Pang" comes in a very close
second - it reminds me in many ways of the old "Transmuseq" stuff, with Davey
Williams & LaDonna Smith (albeit in a more "21st Century" mode). If your
mind is restless, exploring for new adventure, this IS the ticket... of course,
if you're mentally "lazy", & only want to hear what's been played before, this
won't be your trip. From my perspective, it rates a MOST HIGHLY
RECOMMENDED. Get more information at Rotcod Zzaj
SOX1 sample
(from MYSPACE)
Scott August - LOST CANYONS:
Scott's flute playing is simply fantastic... on this CD, he's playing the "Anasazi"
flute (as well as other types), one of the oldest types of instruments known to
mankind. There's no doubt from his sensitive playing that he's in touch
with his Native American roots. He's put together a total of four CD's,
though for some reason, this is our very first listen to his high talent and
skill. His compositional skills, especially in this Native American arena,
are unparalleled, at least as far as my ears are concerned - & I've heard a lot
of different artists in this genre! He weaves piano, guitars, synth & lots
of other instruments from different cultures (kalimba, udu & tabla, for
instance) in carefully, not detracting in the least from the cultural aspects of
his canyon theme, yet at the same time showing the universal aspects of
music/instruments from all cultures on the globe. Even jazz fans will find
something to like here, as August has a passion for what he plays that
comes through shining in all respects. I love this CD - it will stay in
the "keeper" rack, for years to come! I rate it as MOST HIGHLY
RECOMMENDED... give it a try by playing my favorite track, "Chasing
the Sun", or any of the other samples there. A great album that will
be enjoyed by music lovers everywhere. Rotcod Zzaj
Steve Dooks:
COCKTAILS, HEARTACHES AND CIGARS - My immediate thought on the opening
bars of Steve's "I Don't Have You Anymore", was "lounge lizard to the max"...
but as you settle back with yer' big cigar, you'll find a certain affection for
this extremely talented (& gravelly-voiced) singer/piano player that won't soon
quit. He plays that "stick to yer' ribs" flavor of jazz that stays with
you for years, especially if you dig the cut. The title track just JUMPS
right out at you... heavy latin-based rhythm & hep-cat swing jazz that was an
absolute favorite for me... took me right back to jazz jumps along the edge of
the Ohio river (Columbus) back in the late '80's... very cool stuff! This
guy is an all-original player who knows that musicians sometimes need to be able
to take life (& it's foibles) less seriously; that a part of the "entertainment"
package needs to be the ability to infuse the listeners' day with joy & a little
humor. Though this is my first listen to his work, it's clear that he will
be on the scene for many years to come... "Cocktails, Heartaches and Cigars"
gets a MOST HIGHLY RECOMMENDED from our years. Get more information at Rotcod Zzaj
The Gust Spenos Quartet - SWING
THEORY: There's far more than "theory" involved with the kickin' music on
this splendid debut CD... if it's big band swing you're yearning after, you'll
surely get your fix (& more) here! Lots of trombone from Wycliffe Gordon,
Gust's tenor sax swingin' to the max, along with alto by Eric Schneider, some
cool vocals by Everett Greene, piano from Marvin Chandler, bvass by Frank Smith
& drums from Kenny Phelps. An even dozen "name" tracks, like "Cheek To
Cheek from Irving Berlin & "Ow" by Dizzy Gillespie (my favorite on the CD - it
just keeps on MOVING & makin' me tap my toes). What's most clear through
listening to these tracks is that the players were having an absolute BLAST...
no heavy-handed steppin' on each other, instead, they come across as if the
music is what it's supposed to be - FUN, man! It's been a while since I
listened to a swing band with this much energy & verve; it gets a HIGHLY
RECOMMENDED from these ol' ears! Get more information at Rotcod Zzaj
Plamen Karadonev -
The title track opens this fantastic album/CD, showcasing some of the most
solid jazz I've heard (yet) this year... keyboardist/accordionist/composer
Karadonev really shows his superb skill and understanding of what it means to
take chances and play with cultural diversity... this isn't in the liner notes,
but I rather suspect that's what inspired the CD title... Plamen (somehow)
merges Balkan folk, classical & superbly straight-ahead 21st century jazz into a
blend that will excite the listener who wants something "new"... something
slightly "different" from worn-out clichéd music. Karadonev's piano chops
show strong style with real sensitivity for what the listener will hear and
react to... we've all (those of who play keyboards, anyway) said "if I could
only play like that guy" - that is especially true in this case. His piano
is totally integrated into each piece, yet he doesn't come across as
overbearing at all! My favorite piece is the title track, which you can
listen to by clicking on the highlighted title at the beginning of this review.
This is one of the best cross-cultural jazz album's I've listened to in the last
couple of years, & I give it a MOST HIGHLY RECOMMENDED rating, as well as the
"PICK" of this issue for "best new jazz" album of 2008. Get more
information at Rotcod Zzaj
Satoko Fujii Min-Yoh Ensemble -
FUJIN RAIJIN: One reviewer classified this superbly crafted
jazz/experimental CD from our (long-time) friend Satoko as "almost
terrifying"... & in certain contexts, I suppose that might be somewhat accurate.
Fujii's piano shines (as it does on almost every musical experience I've
listened to from her), and the other players are right on top of their form as
well... Natsuki Tamura on trumpet, Curtis Hasselbring's trombone & Andrea
Parkins playing accordion. What FUJIN is not is "traditional"...
you might suspect that when you heard about the accordion (to some degree), but
it is the "improvosition" that makes the music so unique... it feels like
every composition was totally improvised, even though I've no doubt that's not
true. If your musical tastes are totally traditional, you'll probably shut
the player off & move back to the stability of your AM/FM station... but if your
ears are after true adventure, this one comes MOST HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!
Find out more about the album
Rotcod Zzaj
Frank Rosolino & Carl Fontana
It's simply amazing how well-recorded this session is... they must have done it
(somehow) digitally (or remastered that way), even though it was such a ways
back. Joining these two red-hot 'bone players are Elmer Gill on piano,
Torban Oxbol on bass & George Ursan doing drums. The hottest track on the
CD is Monk's "Well, You Needn't", no doubt; this tune jumps right in & doesn't
quit until the very last note, if you know what I mean - a KICKER!You can listen
to samples here... any
stolid jazz fan (especially those who dig trombone) is going to want this album
in their collection, though... it just won't do to listen to only
snitches/snatches. The recording includes lots of audience interaction,
but not enough to get in the way of the music. I was jumpin' the whole
time I listened... I suppose that could have something to do with the era the
album was recorded in... more "passion", more "exclusivity" in those days - but
whatever the reason, this is an absolute MUST-HAVE for any jazzer worth their
salt. This is THE BEST trombone/jazz album I've ever heard - it gets our
MOST HIGHLY RECOMMENDED rating, as well as the "PICK" of this issue for "best
trombone jazz ever", with no hesitation. Get more information at
CITY HALL Records. Rotcod Zzaj
Lauren Hooker -
If you've not listened to Ms. Hooker's fantastic vocal jazz before, you'll want
to rush right out & GET this CD; if you have heard her before, you know why I'm
saying that. The title track is a variation on "Sometimes I Feel Like A
Motherless Child", & is my favorite female jazz vocal on the album... in fact,
it's my favorite version of that tune ever, I believe. A Fats Weller tune,
"Lovebug Jitters", comes in a close second, probably because of the precision
with which she turns the phrases on it. She has a certain "duskiness" in
her voice that lets you know (in the immediate) that she's BEEN where she's
singing of! Those accompanying her are right ON it, too... Allen Farnh on
piano, Rufus Reid plays bass & Tim Horner doing drums & percussion... they are
SOME KIND of tight, & know exactly where to back away so you can hear what
Lauren has to say to you, or move IN to give her a moment's space. We hear
a lot of ladies doing jazz vocals here in the Zzaj abode - I'll tell you, this
lady is one of the BEST on the scene... this gets our MOST HIGHLY RECOMMENDED
rating, & I've no doubt you'll agree. A superb musical experience!
Get more at Rotcod Zzaj
Louie Bellson/Clark Terry -
LOUIE & CLARK EXPEDITION 2: Adventure, as in a trek through big-band land,
is in the air as I listen to the opener on this CD (& my favorite on the album),
"State Street Swing"...
not that we haven't heard such tuneage before, of course, but drummer Bellson &
trumpet/flugelhorn master Terry infuse this with the kind of energy I remember
way back when one of my uncles introduced me to the magick of big-bands via
Woody Herman. What I find most amazing about this particular jazz safari,
though, is that it's not "just rollicking" big-band high steppin'... on the 2nd
track, "City of Seasons", Clark makes you think you're in the best after-hours
joint you've ever been in... that's one BLUE horn, people! 2 cuts later,
on "Lake Shore Drive", though, they (all 17 pieces) are back with some of the
most soul-filled jumpin' you've heard in years. An album full of
contrasts, this one will stay in your collection, at the top of the stack, for
years to come... truly exciting music, it should be "mandatory" for all music
classes in High Schools across the land! It rates our MOST HIGHLY
RECOMMENDED without a moment's hesitation. Get more information at
Rotcod Zzaj
Herd of Mers - AURORA CAUGHT
Our friends from (as
in John & Karen (Riendeau) Orsi, who have been submitting stuff to us for a
long, long time now) definitely "changed the mood up" on us... after 3 or 4 jazz
wonders in a row, this is a pleasant diversion into rockin' psychedelia, to be
sure. The percussion on the title track opens with the same kinda' fugue
you might hear/feel when YOU were being awakened; a haunting piece, no doubt.
The way they blend the excellent drums into the guitar/vocals on "Fold",
my favorite track, somehow brings to mind visions of hobbits & goblins dancin'
'round the pillars of StoneHenge... may not be what they intended, but that's
what I see/hear... excellent little tune. There's a hypnotic quality (as
with some of John's earlier
CD's) that
runs all through the music, & Karen & John clearly enjoy doing their (highly
talented) vocals together. Jazzheads may not find this their cup o' tea,
but for those who like to rock ev'ry once in a moon's passage, this is THE
ticket... gets a MOST HIGHLY RECOMMENDED from these ol' ears! Get more
information at the web site above! Much FUN! Rotcod Zzaj
Yudkin -
Miles Davis,
Miles Smiles,
and the Invention of Post Bop:
Having been a full-blown fan of Miles ever since I first heard "Bitches' Brew",
the title of this book (from Indiana University Press) caught my eye immediately
when the promoter sent the announcement out for inclusion in our HAPPENINGS
section. What I didn't expect was a free-flowing (almost improvisational)
flow from the author, Jeremy Yudkin (professor
of music at the College of Fine Arts and associated faculty of the Department of
African American Studies at Boston University and Visiting Professor of Music at
Oxford University)... Yudkin's style of writing will wrap any reader (even a
musical novice) up completely in his flow. I assume (though I don't know)
that he (Jeremy) wrote this while listening to the albums he wrote about, or
that he had listened so extensively that the patterns were sort of "burned" into
his brain - for my read, I watched the video of "All
Blue" and "Footprints"
(one of my favorite all-time tracks) as I read Professor Yudkin's blow-by-blow
of each tune he was describing. His overall focus was that "Miles Smiles"
was an album often overlooked as "classic Davis" - he succeeded in convincing
me! This is an excellent account of the often turbulent life of a player
that inhabited those cosmic realms that all jazz musicians aspire to, & I give
it our MOST HIGHLY RECOMMENDED, particularly for those who want to catch a
glimmer of how tunes are structured and (at times) improvised... the musical
diagrams that are included really help the reader to understand each track,
especially when they are listening to the tune being described.
To order call 1-800-842-6796 or log onto Rotcod
Mirio Cosottini/Tonino Miano -
All the way from Italy comes this very enjoyable CD full of full-blown
piano/trumpet improvisations from Mirio (trumpet) and Tonino (piano). The
intro, "Rushdash", is light/airy, with (as the title implies) a real "movement"
to it. The second piece, "The Hunt", is more sparse, definitely haunting,
& full of strange oddistry. After a solid third listen to the entire
album, I found that my favorite track was "Nine
Years Ago", probably because of the well-recorded piano... contrasts abound
on this composition, too, with breath-tones galore from Cosottini's trumpet
providing counterpoint to the sweet sounds from Miano's keyboard. Suffice it to
say that it won't be (exactly) what you expected... of course if you are a
dedicated fan of improvisation, you wouldn't want it to be anything less, right?
Very exploratory and rewarding musical experience, especially for listeners who
refuse to accept "normal" in their adventures. I give this a HIGHLY
RECOMMENDED for any and all who want to hear the music of tomorrow - today!
Get more information at Rotcod Zzaj
Lawrence Blatt -
The second CD from Lawrence (the first was "Out Of The Woodwork", though our
first listen to his sentimental and highly talented guitar work.
Finger-picked acoustic that brings up images of "the old homestead", "wild west
sunsets" and other equally powerful pictures. He has some great percussion
going on down under the title track, which is my favorite on the album (you can
listen to it by clicking on the title link above). I am reminded in some
ways of pieces I've heard our friend & collaborator
Eric Wallack do, though Blatt's touch & style use a totally different
approach... less jazz-oriented (though there are hints of that as well) & more
like you might imagine when you think of the music behind "For A Few Dollars
More", or "Deliverance". Another artist who creates songs similar in some
ways is a former MIXPOSURE artist, Guy
Michetti... another of my favorite tracks on
"Fibonacci's Dream" was the last title, "Move
Um Out"... I can clearly see a long, long cattle drive forming up across
desert mesas and snow-driven plains. A wonderful album and a display of
excellent talent, rated by us as MOST HIGHLY RECOMMENDED! Get more
information about Lawrence at Rotcod Zzaj
Roger Davidson -
remembered Roger's music right away - we had reviewed him in
issue #69, & thoroughly
enjoyed his light & airy keyboard styling. This title clearly is more in a
Latin vein than the earlier release, perhaps because of the guest percussionist,
Marivaldo dos Santos, though bassist David Finck & drummer Paulo Brago add to
the distinctly South American/Carribean flavor of the (all original) music on
BOM DIA. A solid collection, very listenable, with just short of a dozen
tracks that will stay with you long-term. The players really went all out
with the title track, with highly danceable energy... this one was my favorite
track (sample it by clicking on the title at the head of this review), mostly
because of the genuinely tight rhythms & crystal-clear recording of Roger's
keyboards. I rate this one as HIGHLY RECOMMENDED for any and all who enjoy
listening to highly talented jazz; it's set for a 24 June, 2008 release, so be
sure to scout your copy out now! Get more information from his
BIO! Rotcod Zzaj
If your ears are thirsting for a taste of that good old "fusion" jazz style
(with some serious rock-leaning beats mixed in for good measure), this CD from
Bill will do the trick, no doubt! He's clearly a master at passing high
energy through his guitar strings to the listener... by the middle of the
opener, "On My Way Home", I was clickin' & tappin' ALL digits! It wouldn't
take but 2 listens through the entire CD to convince me that I actually could
go back to th' eighties... the bass player (Enrico Galetta) had a lot to do
with that "time travel" sensation... lots of finger-poppin', yet solid & flowing
lines that serve as phroggin' trusses for Hart's high-energy soloing. It
was an "off-track" composition that really caught my ear, though... "Canadese-Africano"...
lots of nice rhythmic counterpoints, & Hart's electric style meshes really
nicely with both Gary Wilkins' bass line, superb drums by Charles Marvray &
great percussion by Ahsa Ahla... it's my favorite cut on the album. Superb
recording, no "drops", clear from start to finish; only drawback was that with
all that great recording, the track titles weren't burned (with CD-text) to the
CD, so I had to type them in myself. That's only a minor criticism,
though... the music is so great that it earns a MOST HIGHLY RECOMMENDED... we
hope to hear many more from Bill! Get more information from
Rotcod Zzaj
Don Immel -
CD came in from a promoter who usually sends "new age" music... Don's CD,
especially on the title track (also the opener), is much more in a jazz vein...
probably because of his trombone; this is my favorite cut on the album (listen
to it by clicking above). He has a particularly "rich" & "enduring" style
on his notes that somehow makes them "hang" just a second or three longer than
you may be used to. Another cut I found especially intriguing was "Fool's
Full Quiver"; Don co-wrote the lyrics with Erin Kaser, showing considerable
talent & skill in that area as well! I'm really impressed, & if you love
music that takes you a cut above "smooth", or "same old" (as in creative
and original), you'll find "Long Way Home" to your liking for the
long-term. This one definitely will stay in the car CD player for
months to come (the highest honor a CD gets here at Improvijazzation Nation)...
it rates an immediate MOST HIGHLY RECOMMENDED, as well as the "PICK" of this
issue for "best creative music"! Get more information at Rotcod
Guideline for artists SUBMITTING to us: We do NOT generally review .mp3 files/sites. Being an active artist myself, though, I understand the need for the use of Internet sites as a "staging ground" for reviews! You are encouraged to email us your .mp3 links... we will visit the site/link, & if we like your energies, we will contact YOU! (We will NOT respond to followup inquiries about .mp3 files, though!!! p.s. If you EVER e-mail me .mp3 files, you will be BLACKLISTED on this site!!!)
We would really appreciate any support you can give us in this effort - as you'll see, there are a few FREE trax on each of the albums, too! Please (also) TELL other folks about our new BLASTMYMUSIC site!
You can ALSO sell your OWN music by clicking on the graphic
below (you'll really be helping Zzaj out, as it uses my Affiliate ID when you
sign up with BLASTMYMUSIC. Thanks:
In This Issue: -
IF you are the FIRST e-mail respondent to this note (to - MAKE SURE
your subject states ALEX CD), you will
receive (free of charge) a copy of a superb jazz CD by Alex Kontorovich, titled
"DEEP MINOR" (which was reviewed in our last issue). We will have (some)
more freebies coming in future issues, so be sure & tell all your friends about
RETURN to Zzaj
Productions MAIN page!