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I've no idea how far "George W." will follow in his daddy's boot-steps, but it's clear he & the rest of his C.I.A. supporters  (yes, thee election WAS a C.I.A. plot... totally rigged, without regard for ANYthing the people might want/need) believe it's time to "make Americans feel good about themselves.  Which means it's time to start another W-A-R.  

Without war, politicians have no axes to grind... their boring and useless lifestyle (think of a leech, sucking blood day-in & day-out) would have nothing to justify their existence without war.  

Why do I believe it's a "war cycle"?   Well, just stop & think (outside of the sound bytes) for a moment... for the last 8 years, even if you discount the "Clinton spin", we've had focus on just how productive & healthy the economy CAN be... reg'lar folks like you & me weren't RICH (we never WILL be in a society controlled by politicians (the goons) & religious wackos (the REAL controllers), either), but we weren't DESTITUTE, either.  About 20 days before George W. moved in to the White House, his spin factory began to weave webs on the airwaves about how rocky the economy was... that gas prices were out of control (yeah, since he & his cronies elected to do NOTHING about trying to keep them under control).  Talk of Saddam Hussein as an "the monstah" (don't get me wrong, he IS a bad, B-A-D guy) began to escalate... 

Your counter-argument will probably be that Clinton whanged a few missiles over Saddam's way, too (in his first few months in office)... & yer' not wrong, but it didn't scare me as much - because we all KNEW Billy boy was just usin' that to cover up a situation where his PERSONAL missile had wound up in the wrong missile silo (somehow).  The difference (in my estimation) is that Clinton was palatable as a politician because he gave the people credit for enough intelligence to EXPECT he was a liar... to KNOW he was a leech... to have FOREKNOWLEDGE of his abuses of power.  I'm afraid George W. honestly BELIEVES he's telling us the "truth"

Zealots (as politicians) for any cause are the most dangerous people in the universe.  In this country, it's even worse, because politics (in this sound-byte driven media environment) is totally based on spin... you never (can) have any REAL sense of what the "person" is really all about.  Politicians are the scum in society who were taught that people NEED their opinions... that the average Joe isn't ABLE to think for him/her self... & that the handiest tool a politician has for "getting spirits up" in this country is some good ol' population reduction (?religion/war?).  Of course, they don't think they're doing anything wrong... ANY person who was brought up in an environment where you could talk about the slaughter of hundreds of thousands over your morning sausage & eggs will have little regard for the true pain of war.  Some of them would argue that they were "in the war".... and, of course, some of them WERE... but if they had REALLY learned anything from their time in the jungle - they would be FIGHTING against the idea that any central body could/should be allowed to inflict such suffering... that 300-500 people can sit in a stone building in D.C. & decide to dump TONS of bombs down on folks just like us - KILLING, MAIMING & BLOODYING them... when the REAL target is another nutcase who believes the SAME thing.

What we NEED to do is equip Congress, the White House & every other government building in the nation with closed circuit TV... set the cameras up so that those 300-500 folks can ONLY talk to themselves.  Establish laws that make it a DEATH PENALTY offense for a politically inclined person to ever speak publicly.  & NEVER let them OUT!  Imagine it... a national mental asylum!  How grand it would be... every wacko in the land locked in a self-fulfilling loop... they would TALK themSELVES into suicide... while YOU & ME & every other average Joe learned the benefits of self-reliance and NO war!

When the call comes from George W. to go over & fight in Iraq (& it will, in the next year - I believe)... we need to all (just) LAUGH at him!  Send him an email or make a call... TELL him that he no longer represents anyone & that his opinions do NOT count... after all, WE didn't elect him - THEY did!

Is any of this rant based in a sense of reality?  Uno's?  Probably not... I mean, I'm just wingin' it... just IMPROVISING!  Now - THERE'S a scenario (for my next rant)... a Congressional hall full of IMPROVISORS, eh?


C' ya', volkz!


Rotcod Zzaj


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