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We WANT your announcements/links about great places for D.I.Y.'er's... SEND us your links... e-mail to 



ZOOGZ RIFT (The Liquid Moamo) & His Amazing Shitheads
former SST recording artist

approx. 200 zipped mp3 files
songs taken from over 40 classic and controversial ZOOGZ RIFT albums
in a new, no frills PERSONALLY AUTOGRAPHED 2-cdr set

$20.00 (U.S.) plus $5.00 shipping/handling
overseas orders please add $5.00
preferred method of payment: PAYPAL (all major credit cards)
U.S. postal money orders, checks or cash also accepted

a lifetime of work and dedication to weirdness for only twenty bucks
a free SCI SURPRISE GIFT gift (a token of my appreciation)
is included with every order
orders shipped quickly upon receipt of payment
all sales final

November 2002 marks my 30th Anniversary as a professional entertainer
The entire month of November is now INTERNATIONAL CRIMINALLY INSANE MONTH
Everyone is invited to participate and party and swing from chandeliers

I thank you for your time
Dada lives, daddy-o
Right on
Happy New Year
Kill 'em







Autour de la Compagnie HervZ DiasnasÊ:le musicien et son instrument Stage destinZ aux musiciens professionnels et amateurs (niveau avancZ) - Musiciens dotZs d'un instrument "transportable" - Penser ^ se munir de celui-ci pour la formation.ÊDATESÊ:23 / 24 janvier 2003, 10 / 11 fZvrier 2003, 1er/ 2 mars 2003, 15 / 16 mars 2003ÊCONTENUS ET OBJECTIFSÊ: "Apprivoiser l'effort, accorder l'instrument avant d'en laisser s'Zchapper la mZlodie, pour que le corps disponible et complice puisse rZpondre ^ l'Zlan dans un espace apprZhendZ avec luciditZÉ" ÊÊÊÊHervZ DiasnasÊSi la relation musicien-musique para"t tout ^ la fois Zvidente et mystZrieuse, celle qu'il entretient avec son instrument n'est pas moins Znigmatique. L'instrumentiste est un acrobate des doigts, un virtuose du souffle, un danseur de bras mais il n'a pas conscience, la plupart du temps, de ce que cela entra"ne en terme de ma"trise corporelle. Car les musiciens (hormis les chanteurs qui sont leur propre!
 instrument) sont toujours des duettistesÉLa rencontre qui est proposZe a pour objectif d'Zlargir le champ d'expZrience corporelle du musicien. Il s'agit de le conforter dans sa relation ^ son instrument pour que celui-ci devienne un prolongement naturel de sa personne physique. La notion d'espace sera Zgalement ZtudiZe avec mZticulositZ. La formation est d'un accs aisZ. Elle peut tre interprZtZe comme un "coaching", un accompagnement corporel dans l'exZcution de la musique.ÊNOMBRE DE PLACESÊ: 12ÊPARTICIPATION STAGIAIREÊ:150 ÛÊLIEUÊ: Abbaye des PrZmontrZs Ð Pont ^ Mousson (54)ÊINTERVENANTÊ:HervZ DiasnasÊDUREEÊ: 4 pZriodes de 2 jours (2 week-ends et 2 sZries de 2 jours ouvrables) - 48 heuresÊPUBLICÊ: encadrants de la musique et musiciensÊEn coproduction avec le Centre Culturel AndrZ Malraux - Scne Nationale de Vandoeuvre-ls-Nancy





Hi there "new and old" friends!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!- DON'T ANSWER BACK AT THIS EMAIL CONTACT,USE MY 'ONE & ONLY' NAPALMED@VOLNY.CZ.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!- This isn't the official mailing list of NAPALMED and won't be available or sold to other people. If you aren't interested to receive our "per year informations" from this e-mail address let us know DELETE as a SUBJECT. I'll simply delete you.___________________________________2. ACTIVITIES- NAPALMED industrial/noise band > more than 400 copies of our debut CD were spread out. We are waiting for reviews. You could see our new solo, split and compilation recordings soon. We performed live and work hard. No future plans... If you are open for new sounds let us know!- NAPALMED small unofficia!
l distribution > no time to finish new version of the distribution/trade list, but be sure extra low prices and cool music will be there! Write if there is some problem with stuff trade from last time.- NAPALMED small unofficial label > may be I'll co-release 3rd FOUR SEATS FOR INVALIDES CD,but who knows...____________________________________3. A.S.ANOMALOUS SILENCER no.6 - noise, industrial, experimental, minimalism, electro, ... CD compilation- Contributors to date: MITI LUCA [ita], CHAOS HOLOKAUST MASSAKER [ger], OLTRETOMBA [ita], LUASA RAELON [usa], ASTROGENIC HALLUCINAUTING [usa], NOISEBITCH [hol], FEVER SPOOR [hol], SKRYTY PUVAB BYROKRACIE [cze], URSELLI MAURO [ita], IMIAFAN [slk], DUKE ANDREW [can], GUERRAETERNA [p.rico], CRIMEN FAMILIAR [spa], DISCOTHEQUE GR.NLAND [germany], FUCK THE FACTS [canada], HUMBERG [japan], ...These are the next: PLETHORA, ELLIS ONE, NOISEMAN 433, ANEMONE TUBE, WOUNDED HEAD, PAN MEDLA, POP CULTURE RAPE VICTIM, L.A. MUSIC PRODUCTI!
ON ENSEMBLE, PYRAMIDS ON MARS, NOISECORE FREAK, D?DE?KOVA TA?Nç ZV??, PROGERIA, S/M, CONTAMINATION DIET vs. MALPA, BROWNING MUMMERY, ASISTAR_T, SKETCH, WINTERS IN OSAKA, the INDUSTRIAL WIPING SYSTEM, the HYPNOGOGIC ORCHESTRA, EXCREMENTAL MASSAKER, ROTATOR, TOTE STADT, COMPAGNIA D'ARTE DRUMMATICA, D?TI DE?T?, ...- more artists, bands, sound freaks wanted for the upcoming issue(s)- no deadline, but I plan to release this issue as soon as possible...- ask for the details & conditions. Act fast, please!- please, let your experimental friends know about that.Radek Kopel, Lipova 1123, 434 01 Most, CZECH ; WEBSITE- 2nd version is available at All acutal news are presented there and very soon will be the homepage updated with 'line-up' and 'releases' sections, where you could find many pictures and informations. Links trade is welcome so don't !
wait, see the current contacts and let us know your datas. No banners, no pictures, just simple text.Radek Kopel, Lipova 1123, 434 01 Most, CZECH ;ÊÊÊÊÊNAPALMED novinky - prosinec.20021. START2. AKTIVITY3. A.S.4. WEBSTRçNKA___________________________________1. START- Ahoj v?ichni "nov' i sta?'" p??telZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!- NEODPOVêDEJTE PROSêM NA KONTAKT TOHOTO EMAILU,POU?IJTE 'JEDIN?aPOUHOPOUH?' NAPALMED@VOLNY.CZ.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!- Nejste um'st?ni v ofici?ln'm adres??i NAPALMED. Pokud nem?te z?jem nad?le dost?vat "jednou ro?n?" informace z tZto adresy, odpov?zte pros'm sl?vkem "VYMçZNI" v p?edm?tu a j? V?s z jednodu?e vyma?u.___________________________________2. AKTIVITY- NAPALMED industri?ln?/hlukov? kapela > bylo rozesl?no v'ce ne? 400 promo kopi' na?eho debutn'ho alba. Netrp?l!
iv? o?ek?v?me recenze, aby byly tyto prezentov?ny na internetov?ch str?nk?ch. NovZ nahr?vky budou brzo dostupny na s-lov?ch titulech, splitech i kompilac'ch. Vystupujeme ?iv? a tvrd? mak?me. ??dnZ pl?ny do budoucna... Jste-li naklon?ni nov?m zvuk?m dejte n?m pros'm v?d?t!- NAPALMED mal? neofici?ln' distribuce > st?l? nedostatek ?asu nedovoluje vyhotovit novou verzi katalogu, co v n?m v?ak ur?it? najdete budou n'zkZ ceny a kvalitn' muziku! Ozv?te se pokud je problZm s posledn' v?m?nou!- NAPALMED malZ neofici?ln' vydavatelstv' > mo?n? bude spoluvyd?vat t?et' CD FOUR SEATS FOR INVALIDES album, ale kdo v'...____________________________________3. A.S.- ANOMALOUS SILENCER no.6 - noise, industrial, experimental, minimalismus, elektro, ... CD kompilace- ò?astn'ci k dne?n'mu dni: MITI LUCA [it?lie], CHAOS HOLOKAUST MASSAKER [n?mecko], OLTRETOMBA [it?lie], LUASA RAELON [usa], ASTROGENIC HALLUCINAUTING [usa], NOISEBITCH [nizozemsko], FEVER SPOOR [nizozemsko], SKRYT? P?VAB!
 BYROKRACIE [?esko], URSELLI MAURO[it?lie], IMIAFAN [slovensko], DUKE ANDREW [kanada], GUERRAETERNA [porto rico], CRIMEN FAMILIAR [?pan?lsko], DISCOTHEQUE GR.NLAND [n?mecko], FUCK THE FACTS [kanada], HUMBERG [japonsko], ...- Dal?'mi z?jemci jsou: PLETHORA, ELLIS ONE, NOISEMAN 433, ANEMONE TUBE, WOUNDED HEAD, PAN MEDLA, POP CULTURE RAPE VICTIM, L.A. MUSIC PRODUCTION ENSEMBLE, PYRAMIDS ON MARS, NOISECORE FREAK, D?DE?KOVA TA?Nç ZV??, PROGERIA, S/M, CONTAMINATION DIET vs. MALPA, BROWNING MUMMERY, ASISTAR_T, SKETCH, WINTERS IN OSAKA, the INDUSTRIAL WIPING SYSTEM, the HYPNOGOGIC ORCHESTRA, EXCREMENTAL MASSAKER, ROTATOR, TOTE STADT, COMPAGNIA D'ARTE DRUMMATICA, D?TI DE?T?, ...- um?lci, kapely a zvukov' ?'lenci jsou v't?ni pro toto i dal?' pokra?ov?n'...- bez uz?v?rky, av?ak ?'m d?'ve, t'm lZpe...- ??dejte detaily a podm'nky. Jednejte rychle, pros'm!- Dejte v?d?t dal?'m 'experiment?ln'm' p??tel?mRadek Kopel, Lipova 1123, 434 01 Most, ?ESKç REPUBLIKAnapalmed@volny.c!
z ; WEBSTRçNKA- druh? verze je k prohlZdnut' na Jsou zde prezentov?ny ve?kerZ aktuality a brzo budou roz?'?eny o sekce 'sestavy' a 'titul?' s mnoha informacemi a obr?zky. V?m?na linkov?ch kontakt? je v't?na, tak?e na nic ne?ekejte, ?'hn?te na ty st?vaj'c' a dejte mi v?d?t Va?e odaje. Pros'm ??dnZ banery, obr?zky, jen ?ist? text.Radek Kopel, Lipova 1123, 434 01 Most, ?ESKç ;





Meridian Music: Composers in Performance presents one of the worlds greatest bass players in a solo performance, Joelle LeandreFriday, December 6, 20028 pmMeridian Gallery545 Sutter (between Mason and Powell)SanFrancisco415 398 7229ryokan@value.net$10$ 5 students, impoverished artists.Joelle Leandre ('lle LZandre started playing recorder but quickly moved to piano and from the age of 9 to 14 studied both piano and double bass in her home town of Aix-en-Provence. Her double bass teacher, Pierre Delescluse, encouraged her to apply to the Conservatoire National Superieur de Musique de Paris where she won first prize for double bass. In 1976 she received a scholarship to the Center for Creative and Performing Arts in Buffalo, a time that was to prove particularly influential due to encounters with Morton Feldman, and the music of Earl Brown, John Cage and Giacinto Scelsi. At the sam!
e time, she was able to experience the downtown New York music scene and continue her involvement in improvised music.Jo'lle LZandre has continued to be involved with contemporary 'straight' music, not only as a member of contemporary music ensembles such as 2E2M, ItinZraire and l'Ensemble Intercontemporain but particularly through the works of Cage and Scelsi, several of which have been recorded by her. Of Cage, she told Machart (1994):"He will always be my spiritual father. I had already read For the birds before meeting him. It is an important book. John made me listen to the world around me: 'Let sound be what it is'. He opened up a field of possibilities; he gave me confidence; he cooked for me (he was a very good cook), with his friend Cunningham; he was good. A friend. He was the first to smile when I played my piece Taxi in the hall at Columbia University - I can still remember it!"And, to the same interviewer on Scelsi:"Another meeting; as important as meeti!
ng Cage; he respected the freedom of my actions; there was almost a feminine intimacy between us. His music overwhelmed me; it is one of the truest, because it speaks to us of our conscience, of our human condition. When I listen to this music it affects me most deeply. There isn't a 'geography' to it; there are waves which we make vibrate. I love to play his several pieces for double bass because they provide me with a complete soundworld. This music is paradoxical because it is at once complex and simple. I have known Scelsi since 1978, in Rome, after a stay at Buffalo University where I discovered Okanagon, one of his most extraordinary pieces. We rapidly became friends. Ten years later, I was there, on the 8 August 1988, at his death. It was as if he just faded away."After listening to jazz (Mingus, Cecil Taylor, Monk, Dolphy), "I quickly got into the free, improvised realm where, for me, Derek Bailey is extremely important, also George Lewis and Irne Schweizer, and f!
or sure, Anthony Braxton. Meeting Derek in New York several years ago had nearly the same impact on me as meeting Cage" (Kanach, 1991). LZandre recorded with Bailey on Les douze sons and on the Company disc Trios, and has worked with a wide range of improvisors, for example: Maggie Nicols, Lindsay Cooper, Irne Schweizer, Fred Frith, Evan Parker, Eric Watson, Lol Coxhill, Peter Kowald, William Parker (described by Morris (1991)), and Barre Philips. She is a member of the European Women's Improvising Group (recorded on Intakt 002). She has recorded one of the weirdest records (even by free improvising standards) in Les domestiques with Jon Rose - a collection of domestic noises set to musical effect - and more recently has formed The Canvas Trio with long-term associates RYdiger Carl and Carlos Zingaro.In 1994 Jo'lle LZandre was the DAAD (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst) artist in residence in the city of Berlin; from November 1997 to June 1998 she took up a residenc!
e in Metz, north-east France teaching and giving master classes at academic institutions in the region and playing concerts with a range of improvisors that included Eric Watson, Lauren Newton, Carlos Zingaro and Paul Lovens. From September to December 2002 she has been invited as visiting professor for improvisation and composition at Mills College, Oakland, California.Meridian Music: Composers in Performance presents concerts the first Friday of each month in the intimate setting of Meridian Gallery. The series has been underway since fall, 1998 and is curated by Philip Gelb.Upcoming concerts at Meridian Gallery(all supported from grants by Meet the Composer!)Friday, January 3, 2003 Philip Gelb - solo shakuhachiFriday, February 14, 2003 Sara Schoenbek - basson/Ellen Burr - fluteFriday, March 7, 2003 Tom Dimuzio solo electronicsFor parking we recomend the Stockton garage on sutter and stockton, only 2 blocks away and costs only 5 dollars for the night after 6 pm.!
For more information please see or contact Philip Gelbphil@philipgelb.com




- jeudi 16 janvier 200320h30 CCAM Vandoeuvre-les-NancyÊÊÊConcert muisques nouvelles : "Hommage ^ Peter Kowald"ÊPremire partie : Michel Deltruc (batterie, percussion), Ivan Gruselle (orgue, piano), HZlne GZhin (voix)ÊDeuxime partie :Philippe Aubry (saxophones), Raymond Boni (guitare Zlectrique), Eric Echampard (batterie).ÊPeter aurait du tre de cette fte. Le destin en dZcida autrement. Deux trios magnifiques pour un forcZment vibrant hommage ^ l'un des crZateurs de la scne europZenne de l'improvisation musicale, ma"tre de la contrebasse.















3466 Mayfield Rd – 216-291-8605



8 pm








577 Records at The Jump Arts Festival December 2002

"Dalachinsky Kivland Stephens Ughi"

Steve Dalachinsky - words
Federico Ughi - drums
Nora Stephens - Dance
Kelly Kivland - Dance

This Sunday
December 15th 2002, 8:15 pm

The Brecht Forum 122 W. 27th St. 10th floor
Transport: 1/2 train to 28th Street; F or C/E to 23rd Street
Entrance: $10

The Jump Arts Festival December 2002
Friday ­ Sunday, December 13-15th, 8:00 pm

For the complete, updated schedule of the festival visit:

For more information on 577 Records visit:  

577 Records CD Releases:
577-1  Astonishment - Federico Ughi/Daniel Carter
577-2  ULERS Two - Federico Ughi
577-3  I thought it was the end of the world then the end of the world happened again - Live at the Knitting Factory 2001- Steve Dalachinsky/Federico Ughi









 Happy NEW DanceYear


You can book the LAST places for your dancegroup to participate in the
from 17th to 21st April 2003 in Prague (Czech Republic),

of the THERPSICHORE ARTS and a real

e-mail : <>

Just a little FEE of participation to live a Spring Week of:
in the Magic Gold Capital of the New Europe !

please, if you are interested, don't hesitate to ask us the advertising materials and we will send to you the info pachage with the new brochures (WITH THE FEE OF PARTICIPATION AND EACH OTHER INFO YOU NEED), posters and other advertising materials and for the 50 first requests by e.mail we will send to you the  beautiful video "Dance Gala"  of the Dance Grand Prix 2002   in your V.H.S.  version......  THREE HOURS OF OUR  GREAT"WorlDancE" for you !

of course total free on charges for your DANCE GROUP !

bye for now andGooDancEtimE!


This is one time Newsletter  edit by  "Carlo Chiucchi Comunication"  v. D. Fragolso, 9  Genova Italy
All our mailings are sent complying to the proposed H.R. 3113 Unsolicited Commercial Electronic Mail Act of 2000.
Please see the bottom of this message for further information and removal instructions.
Further transmissions to you by the sender of this email may be stopped at no cost to you by sending a reply to the over email address with the word "remove" in the subject line, we apologize if this message has reached you in error. Save the Planet, Save the Trees! use e.mails (remove is a free and immediately service) and sorry for the bother and for the cross posting...   sincerely.

Questo messaggio ti viene inviato da "Carlo Chiucchi Comunication"  v. D. Fragolso, 9  Genova Italy responsabile  in osservanza della legge 675/96 sulla tutela dei dati personali. Il vostro indirizzo e-mail viene utilizzato esclusivamente per ricevere le nostre news non commerciali. Esso non sara' comunicato o diffuso a terzi e non ne sara' fatto alcun uso diverso.Se non sei interessato a riceverlo, ti basterà inviare una e-mail avente come oggetto la dicitura cancella all'indirizzo sopraindicato.
Non riceverai più alcun messaggio, questo servizio è immediato e gratuito.


If you require any kind of information about our organization we can provide you with the e-mail and  post address of many  previous participants from all over the world,

we care about your dance performs !

Telephone Info Line  00393356141846 MOBILE ANY TIME

or Fax This Request of  the "Total Free Info Pachage"   FORM BACK TO <0039 0547 51299>
or send by regular mail to our Shipping Address  <Festival Tour P. resp. C. Chiucchi presso Casella Postale Ufficio Postale di Montiano 47020 FC Italy>

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Hello Friends,
this upcoming evening of experimental sound features a
friend from New Zealand, Richard (Eso Steel), who also
happens to be the person that released my mini-cd,
"uva" on his own label, 20City.  His work tends to be
dark, organic and drone-based, perfect for rainy
evenings.  This will be an intimate evening (ie small)
so make sure you're present with open ears!

>here's the info:
> >December 18, 2002 8pm
> >Eso Steel w/ irving+orser
> >$5.00 Suggested Donation
> > > >The ambient hums, drones, cries and screams of
>composer/noise artist Eso Steel (Richard Francis)
sharpen the senses and
>send the conscious mind soaring through a bizarre and
lovely meditative
>atmosphere. SOUNDVISION in Portland, Oregon is
pleased to announce a
>rare opportunity for a powerful aural experience when
Eso Steel performs
>his sound compositions live at the gallery. The
performance should be a
>unique event, for when the artist plays live he uses
sound samples and
>freely manipulates them to present his audience with
something not
>ordinarily audible on his recordings. Truly
post-modern, Eso Steel's
>sound compositions emerge from real life, containing
natural and
>mechanical field recordings, instrumental drones and
CD samples that are
>layered and textured electronically to become the
artist's own creation.
>He commented about his inspiration, "Influencing
factors in what I make
>are the ideas for composition. The ideas usually come
from the
>environment I'm living in at the time. Say I'll hear
an unusual
>thing-such as the reverberating bathroom at the
convenience store across
>the road from me-I'll remember the idea and attempt
to make that sound
>in the studio. Or just hear an interesting mix of
sounds together
>waiting for a cross sign at an intersection which
will influence me next
>time I'm making music." The artist tries to match
these certain bass,
>drone, clicks and sound combinations that he hears in
his surroundings.
>He also takes copious notes and records noises with a
contact microphone
>while walking down the street, which he sometimes
uses as a pattern for
>sound work in which he will mimic the sound elements
of volume and
>effect. Therefore, the pieces have elements familiar
to the ear, but
>specific noises are not recognizable for the artist
mixes them into
>minimal and blissful audio. Interviewer Krysztof
Sadza identified Eso
>Steel as the most known noise artist from New Zealand
who "went far
>beyond music spheres and reached to the core of sound
itself doing
>fascinating sonicscapes on his numerous releases."
Eso Steel has
>recently released several recordings including,
Technology of Sleep on
>his own label, 20 City and Two Ways 7 on Drone
> > > > > >Irving+Orser
> >The collaborative duo irving + orser combine audio
synthesis, field
>recordings, and sample processing with elements of
chance. The source
>material for this piece was collected and constructed
by the duo playing
>simple games or using variations on childhood games
to encourage
>randomness. What was used as raw material in the
composition was
>determined by the outcome of the game. The sounds
gathered are brought
>into a computer and manipulated digitally using
various dsp techniques,
>then blended in live performance to create haunting
yet minimalist
> >Jon Irving is an audio-visual artist working in the
fields of
>"post-digital" music and installation art with
releases on the
>stasisfield mp3 label. Jon Irving's audio work ranges
from synthetic
>ambient soundscapes to imagined architectural audio
spaces, digital
>compositions using field recordings and found sounds
as source material
>to consciously using "errors" in the realization of a
sound work. He has
>performed with the likes of Joshua Russell,
Twine/Phase4, Sawako Kato,
>and Frank Niehusmann. In 2001 he joined the board of
directors of the
>Northwest Electro-Acoustic Music Organization.
> >Originally from Illinois, Julie Orser has lived in
Portland, OR for the
>last nine years. Orser is a multi-media artist who
works primarily in
>photography, film/video and installation. Orser's
past works have
>explored the allusive and subjective nature of
memory, the moments
>before awaking or dreaming, and metaphoric exchange
between opposites.
>On the whole her work aims to invoke multiple shifts
in the perception
>of one's reality through ephemeral yet familiar
> > > > >#####
> > > >_____________________________________________
> >TJ Norris, Gallery Director
> >625 NW Everett St #108
> >Portland, OR 97209 USA
> >Phone: 503-238-7007
> >Fax: 503-210-7812
> >Hours: Fri + Sat 2-6PM + by Appointment; First
Thursdays 6-9PM
> >Event Schedule:

seth nehil 3745 se belmont #1 portland, or 97214 usa

stria (with jgrzinich)

confluence (with jgrzinich)





** *****  DECEMBER 19TH 2002  ***** **

*TrashAmerica / Incognita Xmas Bash*
$ $$ $ $$$$$ only $4.99!! $$$$$ $ $$ $

downstairs- trashamerica $2 keg beerz!

Kevin Parish - LIVE PA
Kevin makes music that gives to almost all types of electronic music. Past
live shows have been any combination of live pop karaoke to his own pop
songs, weird noise played on Nord, and electronic music with beats. His
singing voice invokes a hodgepodge of emotions. There is usually an element
of sarcastic humor in the music, and in the lyrics for the pop songs...
"Your tax dollars pay to keep people in jail for growing weeds, while you
cruise around in your big pink hot rod burning gas, just like me inside your
furnace heart"...
Spooky ruben - LIVE PA
Wakey Wakey, Guten Morgen, Buenos Dias..."Bed" and "Breakfast" have arrived!
Spookey Ruben's latest dual release embodies a comprehensive 24 track
compilation of his works 1998-2001, where each song depicts an hour in a day
(BED: 1am -12pm, BREAKFAST: 1pm-12am) according to Spookey's own warped
imagination. Certain tracks feature the distinctive touches of luminaries
such as John McEntire and Doug McCombs of Tortoise, Eric Matthews, Andy
Chase as well as Jim Gilmour of Canadian prog rock legend SAGA. In both
"Bed" and "Breakfast" Spookey's musical explorations wander even further
into the past and further into the future offering the listener what Spookey
calls: "a new kind of music."

In addition to working on solo projects and hosting their ***TrashAmerica
events, Kevin Parish and Skip Found Teli make music together. Kevin's pop
sensibility and Skip Found Teli's aptitude for musical obscurity combine the
staccato rhythms of electro with simplistic melody and harmonic tension in a
tribute to musical/mechanical innvovators of the 20th century. Look for
T.E.M.P. '+1 [4:01] edit on the Mute 'Pre-set' comp in January

Paedofile - DJ SET
Originally released on the NoFuture offshoot SKINT funded label TRASH, 'The
Kids Are Alright' saw aural pervert and cut'n'paste chaos theorist DJ
Paedofile showcasing his dodgy sense of humour and disturbed sound
(de)constructions. Aesthetically affiliated with the atrocity electronica of
V/VM, his freeform electronic skullduggery provides an entertainingly
disturbed array of manhandled samples  fidgeting voices manipulated to sound
like disturbed insects, distortion stretched to breaking point, dislocated
voices  that blows away conventional musical wisdom in a sound storm of
'fuck you' fortitude. [Jon B.]

Havoc - DJ SET
One of the major players in the SF music scene, Havoc promotes major events
and DJs. For more info, check out Compression.

Upstairs - incognita breakbeats & electro

Cybrid - LIVE PA
Cybrid is a live-performance collaboration between SF Bay Area artists
Audioelectronic and  Skoop
Cybrid is dedicated to exploring the interface between man/machine
improvised live electronic performance, noise manipulation, feedback loops,
melodic content, and funky electro beats.

and last but definitely not least, dj sets from ....
Sheztek - moksha tribe
Razz - moksha tribe
Donna Matrix - halflife, freebeats
9PM - 2AM. $5. 21+ FREE BEFORE 10PM!!!!!










Gust Burns <> wrote:

From: "Gust Burns"
Subject: piano help

hello everyone,
i'm emailing you to request your assistance.

after years of practicing and performing on mediocre instruments, i am going to buy a decent grand piano.
I will use it both as a practice instrument, and soon, as an instrument to perform on(a number of seattle musicians are going in on a rehearsal/performance space to develop and present our work in).

but, pianos are expensive.

so, i am looking at three different ideas.

I am seeking commissions for original compositions.
the instrumentation and size of composition is entirely up in the air (but i have been wanting to write a string quartet piece for a while, and there is a working wind quartet in town now...)

I am offering original, personalized, one-of-a-kind c.d. recordings for sale. solo, duo, trio, group recordings per request. no one else will ever have a copy of this music. c.d. or c.d.r., depending on your preference. all original artwork.
(a great gift idea?)

I will happily and appreciatively accept your straight-up donation. or, combine this with one of the above ideas.

Please let me know if you're interested in any of these. i'd love to talk with you about them.
Thanks very much!
-Gust Burns

and please, forward this to any friends who might be sympathetic with the cause!

p.s. if you are also a poor musician(poorer than me? -i doubt it), and are wondering why I sent this to you, i thought you might know someone who would be interested. thanks.






Well, last Sunday was a nice small event with a total of 8 in attendance
(that's one person for each stringboard!).  5 of the attendees had never
played a stringboard before and I was very impressed with how, given the
simple score that I had prepared for them, they LISTENED and PLAYED
together so well.  There were periods of SPACE in the improvisations and
there was a great DYNAMIC RANGE in the playing.  Afterwards we all ate
cake--hey, it was my birthday after all!!  And, sold two copies of the
"33 x 3" cassette made on my birthday last year (with help from numerous
local improvising heroes).

Henry and Peggy were all up against the walls with their ears and have
cooked up some fascinating prospects for an electrified, microphoned
octophonic performance with the "Paintings with Strings" exhibit.  But
that's next May.. here's something you can check out this Thursday.. this
press release is from the geniuses at Polestar.  Read on..

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
The last week of Polestar's fall season of performances:
from New Zealand, the postmodern electronics of Eso Steel;
Seattle's Climax Golden Twins with Sun City Girls' Rick Bishop and other
special guests

Thursday, December 19, 8 PM, $7 Donation, All Ages

Eso Steel   (New Zealand)
Climax Golden Twins with Genius Guests   (Seattle)

Eso Steel (New Zealander Richard Francis) crafts fascinating
environmental soundscapes, from field recordings to bedroom studio
electronics, from near silence to drones to crackles & rumbles -
perfect for Polestar's pristine listening space.

"Eso Steel is creating mind-stimulating drones of a very certain
quality, very clear and dynamic, with lots of details, no easy

"Eso Steel deliver gritty, concrete positions of, there,
nowhere. Then rumbles as unfitted pipes as big as Manhattan tumble
down a mountain under the sea. After a bit, the drift sweeps in like
a snake, slowly building, growing, then changing, mutating under your

For their Polestar performance, Seattle's shadowy, unpredictable
Climax Golden Twins (Robert Millis and Jeffrey Taylor) will be
improvising with acoustic instruments and will be accompanied by some
combination of the following guests and Climax Golden Twins
professionals: David Knott, guitar and stringboard genius; Rick
Bishop, Sun City Girl and additional guitar genius; Scott Colburn,
general genius; and Mary Gross, violin genius. A limited edition
vinyl record of work in this vain is scheduled to be released by
Anomalous Records in December of this year, entitled Messenger Girl's

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
Polestar Music Gallery
Peggy Sartoris-Belaqua & Henry Hughes
1412 - 18th Avenue (at East Union)
Seattle, Washington  98122  USA
(206) 329-4224

On the web:

Recent press features:
Seattle Weekly:
The Stranger:

Dedicated to presenting adventurous and experimental musics in a
simple recital hall setting, Polestar Music Gallery is a small,
volunteer-run, not-for-profit concert venue in a renovated storefront
in Seattle's Central District, just east of the Capitol Hill
neighborhood. All ages, no alcohol, no café. We present contemporary
composition, electro-acoustic and electronic music, free
improvisation, installations, noise, out jazz, sound art, and more.
The great majority of donations at the door go to the performing
musicians, the rest toward keeping that door open. Polestar was
launched May 15-19, 2002, with performers from Germany, Chicago,
Colorado, California, and the Seattle area.

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...


As Climax Golden Twins, Robert Millis and Jeffrey Taylor have
released CDs and records, composed music for dance and film scores,
and collaborated with visual artists to create installations in
galleries and museums. Strange people and strange sounds come and go
in both composed and improvisatory settings. Currently they are
working on sound design for a short film called Supply and Demand.
The most recent CGT CD is entitled Lovely and was released by
Anomalous Records in October 2002.

"Masters of found sound montage and oblique acoustic beauty..."

"CGT...have garnished international acclaim for their deeply
introspective soundscapes and noise explorations."

"If you ever wondered what AMM might sound like if they lightened up
and tried to get a sense of humor, this might be the result."

"Minimalist structural techniques are used to build short, quickly
shifting pieces, with their own music as well as a wide range of
other sounds, voices, musics, noises. Trance, yeah, but with sudden
awakenings, as well as substantial space... This is dream music, and
fortunately, they leave the blanks for us to fill in (or not)."

"Accelerated vocal loops challenge cartoony action effects, wailing
midget sirens, schizophrenic choruses of miniature cyborgs, etc...
Absolutely brilliant."







                           *        Ein      *
                          *     Festtagsgruß  *
                         *      aus Hamburg    *
                        *    verbunden mit all  *
                       *   meinen guten Wünschen *
                      *   für das neue Jahr 2003  *
                     * *** *** *** ** *** *** *** *
                    * *** *** *** **** *** *** *** *
                   ** Ich möchte den Jahrsausklang **
                  * auch zum Anlass nehmen, um Ihnen *
                 **   für Ihr freundliches Interesse  **
                **   an unserer Arbeit recht herzlich  **
                                *   zu  *
                               * danken *

 - Die schönsten Zitate zum Weihnachtsfest!

 Noch nicht in Festtagsstimmung? Lesen Sie bitte weiter!

 - Lüften Sie das Geheimnis des Weihnachtsmanns.

 - Verdienen Sie mit unserer Zitaten-Datenbank Geld.

 - Moderation und Präsentation: Man muss die Menschen so belehren, als ob
   man Sie nicht belehrte, und unbekannte Dinge vortragen, als seien Sie
   nur vergessen!

 - Rhetorik für Unternehmer: Nach dem beruflichen Erfolg kommt die
   gesellschaftliche Anerkennung! Oder auch nicht !

 - Rhetorik für die Spitze: Hier lernen Sie Techniken kennen, die Ihnen
   Ihre Karriere und den damit verbundenen Aufstieg erleichtern!

 - Erweitern Sie Ihren Wortschatz.

 - So bekommen Sie Vielredner in den Griff.

 - Und hier finden Sie Ihr persönliches Weihnachtsgeschenk,
   als kleine Aufmerksamkeit für Ihr Interesse.

 In unserer schnellebigen, beschleunigten Zeit sollten wir häufiger einmal
 innehalten um uns Zeit für uns selbst, für eine Reflexion der
 täglichen Verpflichtungen und Aufgaben zu nehmen. Zeitforscher
 und Arbeitsmethodiker sprechen bereits von der "Entschleunigung"
 der Zeit als neuen Qualitätsbegriff für ihre Nutzung. Nicht mehr
 Quantität - mehr Aufgaben in die Zeit stecken - sondern mehr Qualität.
 Qualität ist eine Produkteigenschaft, die hergestellt, die geplant und
 die zielstrebig verfolgt werden muss.

 Weihnachten bietet zum Innehalten, Reflektieren und Planen einen
 wundervollen Anlass.

 Das wichtige am nächsten Schritt ist weder Länge noch Geschwindigkeit,
 sondern die Richtung. Falls der folgende Text Ihnen Anregungen zum
 "Vordenken" gibt, so lassen sie mich gerne an Ihren Gedanken teilhaben
 und senden Sie mir eine Antwort.

   Wir haben größere Häuser, aber kleinere Familien,
   mehr Bequemlichkeit, aber weniger Zeit,
   mehr Wissen, aber weniger Urteilsvermögen,
   mehr Experten aber größere Probleme.

   Wir rauchen und trinken zu viel,
   lachen zu wenig, fahren zu schnell,
   regen uns unnötig auf, sehen zu lange fern,
   stehen zu müde auf, lesen zu wenig,
   denken zu selten vor, halten keine Zwiesprache mehr.

   Wir haben unseren Besitz vervielfacht,
   aber unsere Welt reduziert.
   Wir wissen, wie man den Lebensunterhalt verdient,
   aber nicht mehr wie man lebt.
   Wir haben dem Leben Jahre hinzugefügt,
   aber können wir den Jahren auch Leben geben?

   Wir kommen zum Mond,
   aber nicht mehr zu der Tür des Nachbarn.
   Wir haben den Weltraum erobert,
   aber nicht den Raum in uns gefüllt.
   Wir können Atome spalten,
   aber nicht unsere Vorurteile.

   Es ist die Zeit, in der es wichtiger ist,
   etwas darzustellen als zu sein.
   Wo moderne Technik einen Text wie diesen
   in Windeseile in alle Welt tragen kann,
   und wo Sie die Wahl haben:

   Etwas zu ändern ...
   oder diesen Text ganz schnell zu löschen.

 Ich wünsche Ihnen, dass Sie die richtigen Worte für Ihre Lieben finden.
 Sollten Sie für eine kleine Rede zum Weihnachtsfest oder zum Jahreswechsel
 noch eine Anregung benötigen, so haben Sie diese vielleicht in diesem Text
 gefunden, ansonsten kann ich Ihnen das Stöbern auf unserer Homepage

 Mit dem Wunsch für ein besinnliches Weihnachtsfest und ein friedvolles,
 gesundes und glückliches Neues Jahr verbleibe ich für heute

 Ihr Günter Seipp (

Wenn Ihnen die Inhalte gefallen und Ihnen Anregungen geben, so tragen Sie
sich bitte in unsere Newsletter-Datenbank unter
ein, damit Sie auch zukünftig unsere Informationen erhalten.
Diese E-Mail erhalten Sie im Rahmen einer Sonderaktion zu Weihnachten 2002.
Wenn Sie sich nicht in unsere Datenbank eintragen, erhalten Sie zukünftig
keinen weiteren Newsletter von uns. Wir haben keinerlei Daten über
Sie gespeichert und können daher auch nicht auf Antwortmails ohne
Absenderangaben reagieren. Wir bitten um Ihr Verständnis!
NewPlacement Unternehmensberatung GmbH
Hamburger Strasse 11 (Mundsburg Tower)
22083 Hamburg                    







:__Memory Effect - a GPS inspired generative canon for 10 PCs   by Toy Satellite, presented by Andrew Garton and Justina CurtisMemory Effect, a generative canon for up to 10 PCs and will debut atSmall Black Box, Metro Arts, Brisbane. It will be the first time theentire piece will be heard in its entirety, even by its creators, ToySatellite's Andrew Garton and Justina Curtis.When :  22 December, 7pmWhere:  Metro Arts, 109 Edward St, Brisbane, AustraliaMemory Effect is derived from Global Positioning System data andanecdotal sound and image references defining movement within whatcould be termed as scalable memory.Memory Effect is a generative composition in up to ten, five minutemovements. Each movement is comprised of three synthesised voices.Each voice is derived from a tone generator, particle synthesiser(granulator) and tap-step delay.Each iteration of a single movement is defined by the GPS coordinatesof the location that movement was conceived in.!
 For example, MemoryEffect 002 S27¡31.479' E153¡06.672', the 2nd movement in the serieswas composed at a specific location Brisbane as defined by thecoordinates in the title.Accompanying the composition is a video work entitled, Rot Emulsion.Created from several reels of found 35mm feature film footage, RotEmulsion depicts film in various degrees of degradation. Each reel hadbeen exposed to rain, heat, street grime and other unknownenvironmental conditions.Rot Emulsion was constructed by hand-feeding each reel, fragment byfragment, piece by piece, into a Moviola, a 1940-1950 35mm non-linearediting machine, a video camera mounted above the frosted-glass viewercapturing each eroded frame. Fragmented faces, vehicles and buildingsappear as ghost memories in amongst the weather damaged emulsion.--This project would not be possible without the support of SSEYO Ltd,UK, the Department of Creative Industries, Queensland University ofTechnology and the Small Black!
 Box crew and friends who have kindlyprovided the use of their PCs for this work,Sound/programming:      Andrew GartonGPS tracking:            Justina CurtisVideo:                   Andrew Thomas, Andrew GartonSmall Black Box to Memory Effect Memory Effect is a is a Toy Satellite software development project exploring 3Drepresentation of Global Positioning System data, as well as the useof this information to map personal narratives, both visual and aural.Memory Effect 001 was commissioned for the opening of Iteration 2, thesecond international conference on generative systems in theelectronic arts, Monash University, 2001.Memory Effect 002 was commissioned for the international streamingproject, Devolve Into, supported by Western Front, Kunstradio ORF, andBayerischer Rundfunk.Rot Emulsion was originally !
produced for the Toy Satelliteinstallation, Tat Fat Size Temple, commissioned by ORF/KunstRadio forSound Drifting, Ars Electronica, 1999.=====================================================================__About Toy SatelliteToy Satellite, established in 1995, is an artists runmultidisciplinary production house producing original andcollaborative works for the web, radio, theatre and film.__About Andrew GartonAndrew Garton is a sound/radio and hybrid media artist. His soundpieces have been commissioned and broadcast by KunstRadio (ORF,Austria), the Listening Room, ABC Classic FM and rebroadcast on Radio4, Netherlands. His new media work has been supported by theAustralian Film Commission, ABC Online, Ars Electronica, MelbourneFringe Festival, Multimedia Arts Asia Pacific, Melbourne InternationalFilm Festival, Taipei International Arts Festival.Andrew is co-founder of Toy Satellite and Secession Records and wasactive in the formation of Australia's earl!
iest public internetprovider, Pegasus Networks. He has performed with the ElectroPathological Consort, the International Theremin Ensemble and iswriter and director of the screaming choir, Fierce Throat. He releasesunder the names Lost Time Accident and Dark Ambient Operators. Hegraduated in 2000 with an MA in Animation and Interactive Media atRMIT University, Melbourne, Australia.__About Justina CurtisJustina is a co-founder and Director of Toy Satellite, working withthe Association for Progressive Communication Women's NetworkingSupport Program through Community Communications Online (c2o) inAustralia and Asian Women's Resource Exchange regionally. She is alsoWeb Standards Coordinator at the Department of Learning Services, RMITUniversity.Her work is focused around public access to Internet and communicationtechnologies. She is co-author and co-coordinator of the Asia Women'sElectronic Network Training program which has to date run workshopsfor NGOs in t!
he Philippines, Malaysia and regional workshops in SouthKorea.Justina has performed with the Malvern Symphony Orchestra, the FierceThroat screaming choir and performs mix sets of soft footing tunesunder the name, DJC.------For more information contact Andrew Garton:     +61 0409 948 280_____________________________________________________________________Admin/Info - TOY SATELLITE                     studio@toysatellite.org     toy satellite is an partner

KOJI ASANO 29th New Release
Suite for Organ and Recorders No.1 "The Alien Power Plant"

>>>Organ, Isao Otake,
>>>Recorders (Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Base Recorders), Ayumi Matsuda
>>>Composed by Koji Asano

>>>total time: 56'41"

Release date:December 21, 2002
>>>more info & mp3 sample:

Available at Solstice Web Online Store for Europe: 1CD=EUR14,95 to any European country
SOLSTICE - KOJI ASANO MUSIC PRODUCTION - (order inquiries ) (retailer / distribution inquiries)


Urban kulture presente "Babylone Burnin'" le 18/01/2003 au CCO de Villeurbanne. Concert Ragga Reggae/Dub avec Killa Sound Massive, Carabeans Fire Crew, Champion Sound System, Shaâdy, Dub Incorporation..Infoline: 06 22 74 25




Hello and merry holidays all.

My friend Chris Cogburn is in town! What this means to you is the opportunity to see a great drummer play with a host of local talent.

Here is the scoop...

Chris Cogburn-Drums

Bryan Eubanks-Reeds

Jean-Paul Jenkins-Alto Clarinet, Guitar, Electronics

Mark Kaylor-Drums, Bass Clarinet

Kelvin Pittman-Alto Sax

Steve Schneider-Tenor Sax

Doug Theriault-Guitar

Kathleen Keogh-Dance

and other guests to be announced

As you can see it is going to be a fabulous night of improvisation. Members of SuperUnity, Tat Vamasi, FJE Trio, etc will regale you with their amazing sounds and sights.

Chris Cogburn is up from Austin where he has been a prime organizational force in the improvised music community. Having played with many of the greats he continues to inspire and play. His most recent project includes some trio work with Dave Dove and Joe McPhee. Soon to be released.

I am sure the music will speak for itself. Plus we will be serving food improvised on the spot by the Super Unity Chefs. Please bring your own "refreshments".

Come Saturday the 28th of Dec. at 8pm


@ Itisness 3016 NE Killingsworth

donation at performance

Love, JayPeeeeeeeeeee










*****  DECEMBER 26TH 2002 *****


*****Incognita upcoming news: Starting in January we'll be broadcasting LIVE
on !
Also: Incognita's first annual PAJAMA JAM also happening at the end of
Email to participate, more details coming soon!
9PM - 2AM. $5. 21+ FREE BEFORE 10PM!!!!!
For info email 
or visit 
And check out

|                 |
| 0            0 |




The Blackbird, 3728 NE Sandy Blvd., $5 cover


You may already have heard of this Degenerate Art Ensemble show at
The Blackbird 1/11.  As of yesterday, Nequaquam Vacuum has
accepted an invitation to join the bill.  I know very little else
about this show, but it would be swell if any listings could
include our name as well as that of the DAE.

On the off chance that you haven't heard of us (off chance because
both bands play all the time and get articles written about them),
here is more info:

The Degenerate Art Ensemble (formerly Young Composers Collective),
led by composer Joshua Kohl, is a Seattle-based ensemble, formed
in 1993, that stradles the line between jazz, classical and rock.
Their instrumentation includes electronics, violin, sax, clarinet,
trumpet, guitar, percussion, bass. It is also a theatre, dance and
performance-art group, conceiving and performing multi-media operas.

Comprising a core of three multi-instrumentalists (Tyler
Armstrong, Noah Mickens and Travis McAlister), as well as a
revolving cast of collaborators, Nequaquam Vacuum has been playing
free music in Portland since mid-2000.  The music they play,
though entirely improvised, has over time taken on an increasingly
Asian aesthetic; drawing comparisons to Indonesian gamelan and
Chinese Noh Theater as often as to Harry Partch or 23 Skidoo.  A
broad instrumental mix lends to this inscrutable style; combining
scrap metal percussion (our first love) with a myriad of wind
instruments from across the globe, devised instruments such as the
Double Bow-Chime and Shivering Spine Tower, a legion of drums and
other traditional percussion instruments, toys and noisemakers,
vintage electronics, and a 300-pound prepared piano harp.

It's going to be one heck of a show, and that's no lie.  There may
even be a third band.

(503) 944-5044 x.231
(503) 282-5143
36 Invisibles:
Nequaquam Vacuum:
Streaming audio:



Hello all!!

Below is a short bio and release about Nervewheel and their mini-tour of the
Pacific Northwest.
Please post this information in any calendars or listings you maintain.
Thanks so much. Hope to see you all out at the shows. Thanks again.


Nervewheel is a Seattle-based power trio formed in early 2002 by acclaimed
fringe guitarist Bill Horist. Despite its short existence, Nervewheel has
made noticeable waves in the Seattle music scene. Nervewheel creates music
that's an instrumental Math Rock hybrid, incorporating elements of Punk (the
imaginative kind), Progressive Rock (without all the dry and overly-complex
trappings) and Electronica (minus the DJ)  They have been likened to a cross
between Tortoise, the Minutemen, and the Mahavishnu Orchestra. Yet, the
group's sound is their own - they have produced a sound and style that is
completely unique in the current musical landscape of the Pacific Northwest.
Nervewheel also features the powerhouse rhythm section of dynamic bassist
Ben Hadley (The Spoils, Wand) and explosive drummer Adam Gross (The Guest

The trio began work on their debut album in September 2002. Look for it in

Leader Bill Horist has collaborated with a diverse range of musicians from
around the world, including KK Null (Zeni Geva), Chris Cutler, William
Hooker, Tatsuya Yoshida (Ruins), Climax Golden Twins, Illusion of Safety,
Saadet Tuerkoez, Plastiq Phantom,  Amy Denio, Wally Shoup and Eyvind Kang.
Having spent several years as an active member of Seattle's out-music/fringe
rock scene (with Phineas Gage, Axolotl, Ghidra, UnFolkUs, Tablet and
others), touring the US and Europe, and appearing on over 20 releases
( for more info),  Bill finally put together a band of his


Tuesday, January 14, 2003 - Seattle, WA
9p.m. @ The Crocodile Café
w/ Rollerball, TransAtlantic Ice Floe, and YAM

Wednesday, January 15, 2003 - Portland, OR
9p.m. @ The Blackbird
w/ Rollerball and The Nudge

Thursday, January 16, 2003 - Portland, OR
9p.m. @ The Jasmine Tree
w/ guest T.B.A.

Friday, January 17, 2003 - Astoria, OR
9p.m. @ The Voodoo Lounge
w/ Cyanosis

Sunday, January 19, 2003 - Olympia, WA
9p.m. @ The Voyeur
w/ guests T.B.A.

Show times and admission prices may vary.


Adam D. Gross
Development and Outreach Coordinator
Jack Straw Productions
4261 Roosevelt Way NE
Seattle, WA 98105
Ph: 206/ 634-0919
Fax: 206/ 634-0925






El CDMC y Radio Clásica (RNE) vienen efectuando una serie de
producciones de música radiofónica que se encargan a diversos
compositores con objeto de promover este tipo de composición. En esta
línea, se convoca un concurso de ideas con arreglo a las siguientes

Las obras serán necesariamente piezas de música radiofónica, es decir,
cuyo medio de realización y difusión idóneo sea la radio. Las obras no
podrán haber sido premiadas ni emitidas con anterioridad.
Palabras, ruidos, música, montajes electrónicos o radiofónicos y otros
elementos afines pueden ser la base de la obra.
El proyecto puede ser multilingüe o exclusivamente en lengua castellana.
También se puede prescindir del empleo del lenguaje hablado o de la voz.
Para concursar no será posible enviar obras realizadas, sino simplemente
proyectos que pueden consistir en una descripción escrita del mismo y de
los elementos necesarios, una maqueta en cassette, CD o DAT, partituras
o fragmentos de las mismas, materiales acústicos, etc. Se admitirá
cualquier forma de presentación, siempre que asegure al jurado una
precisa valoración del interés de la idea proyectada.
No existe límite de edad ni de nacionalidad.
Los envíos deberán realizarse antes del 15 de Marzo de 2003 por
cualquier medio contemplado en la Ley de Procedimiento Administrativo
(por ejemplo, mediante correo certificado o entregándolos
personalmente), y deberán dirigirse al Centro para la Difusión de la
Música Contemporánea, Santa Isabel 52, 5ª planta, 28012 Madrid, España.
No hay limitación en cuanto al número de proyectos por autor.
Los proyectos deberán llegar en forma anónima con un lema que se
reproducirá en sobre cerrado adjunto, donde se contenga fotocopia del
DNI o pasaporte y datos personales del autor o autores. En caso de
utilizar textos de otro autor deberá acreditarse el oportuno permiso del
Un Jurado nombrado por el CDMC y Radio Clásica decidirá sobre el
proyecto que se considere más idóneo. Las decisiones del Jurado son
El proyecto elegido será objeto de un encargo por parte del CDMC dotado
con 3.000 euros brutos. Este encargo será considerado como premio del
Concurso y es independiente del coste de producción de la obra, que será
asumido por Radio Clásica.
Radio Clásica producirá la obra con los medios que la propia Radio
determine. Para ello, y además de los medios humanos y técnicos de RNE,
podrán utilizarse los del Laboratorio de Informática y Electrónica
Musical del CDMC (LIEM-CDMC). La emisión radiofónica tendrá lugar en el
último trimestre del año 2003, aunque la obra será estrenada en la
edición de ese año en el Festival Internacional de Música Contemporánea
de Alicante (alrededor de Septiembre-Octubre). El desarrollo del
proyecto deberá realizarse con tiempo suficiente para que pueda ser
producido y emitido en esas fechas.
Por el hecho de participar, los concursantes aceptan estas bases y la
decisión del Jurado.
Los proyectos no premiados estarán a disposición de sus autores, que
podrán retirarlos personalmente en el CDMC, previa identificación del
lema, en el plazo de tres meses a partir del fallo.
Pasado dicho plazo los proyectos no retirados serán destruidos para
conservar el anonimato del concurso.






The CDMC and Radio Clásica (RNE) are undertaking a series of radiophonic
music productions, commissioning various composers in order to promote
this type of composition. Within this line, a contest of ideas is called
subject to the following

The works will necessarily be pieces of radiophonic music, that is to
say,  whose most suitable means of production and diffusion is the
radio. The works will not have been previously awarded nor emited.
Words, noises, music, electronic or radiophonic editings and other
similar elements may be the base of the work.
The project may be in several languages or in only one, which should be
Spanish. The use of language or voice may also be omitted.
To enter the contest it will not be possible to send accomplished works,
but mere projects:: a written description of the work and of the
elements that it will require, some excerpts as a model in cassette, CD
or DAT, scores or fragments of these, acoustical materials, etc. Any
form or presentation will be admitted, provided that it makes possible
to the Jury to appreciate the interest of the projected idea.
There is no age nor citizenship limit.
The deliveries should be made before the 15th March 2003 by any of the
procedures allowed by the Administrative Procedure Act (such as
registered mail, personal delivery, etc.) and they sholud be addressed
to the Centro para la Difusión de la Música Contemporánea, Santa Isabel
52, 28012 Madrid, Spain.
There is no limit to the number of projects to be sent by each author.
The projects should arrive anonymously with an assumed name that will be
reproduced on an enclosed closed envelope containing a photocopy of the
DNI or passport and personal details of the author or authors. In the
case of using texts by another author, his opportune permit must be
A Jury appointed by the CDMC and Radio Clásica will choose on the
project considered the most suitable. The decisions of the Jury are
without appeal.
The selected project will be the object of a commission by the CDMC,
endowed with 3.000 euro gross. This Commission will be considered as the
Prize of the Contest and it is independent of the productions costs,
wich will be assumed by Radio Clásica.
Radio Clásica will produce the work with the means that the radio itself
will determine. For that purpose, in addition to the human and technical
means of the Radio, the facilities of the Laboratorio de Informática y
Electrónica Musical del CDMC (LIEM-CDMC) can also be used. The radio
broadcasting will take place during the last term of 2003, although the
premiere will be on the Festival Internacional de Música Contemporánea
of Alicante (around September-October 2003). The project should be
developed with enough time so that it may be produced and emitted on time.
By the simple act of participating, the competitors accept the terms of
these Bases and the decision of the Jury.
The non-awarded projects will be available to their authors who can
fetch them personally at the CDMC, previous identification of the
assumed name, within the period of three months after the awarding is
made public.
Once this period is over, the non-collected projects will be destroyed
in order to preserve the anonimity or the Contest.










the future

zenapolae records has just released the new 23986721
bits  EP "5530" as part of the zenapolae ltd
series!!!!copies are 5.99 and you can get all the
ordering info at   
........................5530,the future...
and now that everyone has glimsped the present,the
past and now the future we enter into a 3rd stage!!
as in jacurutu:3 records!!!!!!!!!!!! But,thats the
future  not the past ,   past tense,for now,buy
"5530"!!Is this what you thought the future would be
jacurutu:blue records





577 Records presents


Federico Ughi - Drums, compositions
Nathan Hanson - Sax and electronics
Matt Glassmeyer - Sax and more
Dan Fabricatore - Bass
Sean Moran - Guitar

With special guest Daniel Carter - Saxes, trumpet, flute, clarinet

This Sunday December 29th 2002, 7pm  

at CBGB'S Lounge
313 Bowery (between 1st and 2nd street)
Tel: 212-677-0455
Transport: F to 2nd avenue

Entrance: $10 for 4 bands including:
William Parker, Dom Minasi, Jackson Krall, Lou Grassi, Ken Filiano

For more information on 577 Records visit:  

577 Records CD Releases:
577-1  Astonishment - Federico Ughi/Daniel Carter
577-2  ULERS Two - Federico Ughi
577-3  I thought it was the end of the world then the end of the world happened again - Live at the Knitting Factory 2001- Steve Dalachinsky/Federico Ughi   




Feel free to check out my music at
The style is kind of progressive electronica instrumental.
There are four songs available to download for free, of course,
and you are most welcomed to comment my music at the site,
at this list, or to me directly.
It´s all composed and recorded in Cubase VST by me in my
homestudio in the south of Sweden.

You may post the link in any appropriate forum or site.
Kind regards!






Meridian Music: Composers in Performance presents shakuhachi player,
Philip Gelb in a solo concert.

Friday, January 3, 2002
8 pm
Meridian Gallery
545 Sutter (between Mason and Powell)
415 398 7229
$ 5 students, impoverished artists.

Philip Gelb will present a concert of new pieces for shakuhachi
(Japanese bamboo flute), including the world premier of his latest
composition, "Drawing with Breath", inspired and dedicated to
abstract painter, Albert Stewart. In addition he will perform pieces
by Yuji Takahashi and other contemporary composers.

Philip Gelb is one of a handful of shakuhachi players that focuses on
new music and frequently collaborate with composers creating new
works.  He has studied shakuhachi with Kurahashi Yoshi, Ronnie
Nyogetsu Seldin and Dale Olsen bai-o.  He has performed throughout
North America and in Europe and Japan as a soloist and in various
ensembles,  premiering numerous new works for shakuhachi solo and in
varied ensembles. His recordings have been released on Deep
Listening, Leo, Sparkling Beatnik, New World/Countercurrents,
482Music, Ryokan, Abray, Cultural Labyrinth and Limited Sedition. He
has received grants from the Florida Arts Council, Meet the Composer
and the Knight Ridder Foundation. In addition to being an active
freelance performer,  his current projects include "The Space
Between" with Pauline Oliveros and Dana Reason; "Trio Natto". with
koto player, Shoko Hikage and electronic musician, Tim Perkis; "The
Wind trio of Alphaville", with saxophonists, Jon Raskin and Phillip
Greenlief,  and collaborations with dancer Eri Majima. He holds a BA
in anthropology from the University of Florida and attended graduate
studies in ethnomusicology at the Florida State University School of
Music. He currently lives  in Oakland and runs the "Bay Area
Shakuhachi School" with over 20 students.   In addition he is curator
of the Meridian Music Series at Meridian Gallery in Sanfrancisco and
a renowned vegetarian cook.

Meridian Music: Composers in Performance presents concerts the first
Friday of each month in the intimate setting of Meridian Gallery. The
series has been underway since fall, 1998 and is curated by Philip

Upcoming concerts at Meridian Gallery
(all supported from grants by Meet the Composer!)
Friday, February 14, 2003 Sara Schoenbek - bassoon/Ellen Burr - flute
Friday, March 7, 2003 Tom Dimuzio solo electronics

For parking we recommend the Stockton garage on sutter and stockton,
only 2 blocks away and costs only 5 dollars for the night after 6 pm.

For more information please see or contact

Philip Gelb






NERVEWHEEL, OFFICE PRODUCTS, and 1 more TBA; Thursday, January
16th, 9 pm sharp; THE JASMINE TREE, SW 4th and Harrison; $5, 21 & Over

Groundbreaking guitar virtuoso Bill Horist has been in more bands
than you have in your entire CD collection, and each of them
claims him among their essential influences.  From his humble
Minnesota beginnings with prog instrumentalists Nobodaddy to his
recent label-hopping collaborations with KK Null, from his
participation in the chamber folk quartet UnFolkUs to the
Vai-shaming shred and whiz of Axolotl; Horist is the Midas of
experimental guitar, sans tragic consequences.
Bill's latest project (I think - it's a little bit hard to keep
track of the 5-10 releases per year) is somewhat of a return to
his roots, and somewhat of an amalgamate of his work up to this
point, and also somewhat of a kickass prog-punk rock band.  Not to
be confused with his 2000 solo release, "Songs From the Nerve
Wheel"; this band (comprising Bill on guitar, Benjamin Hadley of
The Soils on bass and Adam Gross on drums) has yet to commit their
tightly-wound compositions to tape, and has yet to be heard in
this city at all.  Fans of Bill, fans of all that is zany and
sublime in modern music - this is a chance to witness the latest
transformation of guitar's greatest shapeshifter.

"But what about Doug Theriault?"  I hear you say.  "Is he not also
a most worthy and skilled entry in the field of Northwest
unconventional guitarizm?"  You bet he is - AND WE'VE GOT HIM!
Teamed with David Chandler, former Henry Kissinger of Third
Pyramid Productions and present-day mastermind behind the Solenoid
and DJ Broken Window projects, Theriault considers this duo to be
"some of my best recorded guitar work".  Local though they may be,
Office Products is a project that has garnered less than its
deserved portion of love from Portland; while gradually gaining
the adoration of the deepest-set artists and fans in the
underground at large.  Chandler devotes himself to "electronic
percussion" when in the Office, which can mean anything from drum
machine hybrids to specially prepared vinyl records used
rhythmically; while Doug practices his ongoing scientific analysis
of God's Favorite Instrument over and under the beats.  It's often
musical, seldom repetititious, and always free. 

There will be a third act.  I'm talking to various
appropriately-progressive acts, but nobody has confirmed at this
time.  It's going to be somebody cool, though, so stay tuned.

Tonight, we're gonna jazz it up and have us a ball.  They're gonna
get it tonight, tonight.

5000. - N.

(503) 944-5044 x.231
(503) 282-5143
36 Invisibles:
Nequaquam Vacuum:
Streaming audio:






  * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
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Hi Y'all.
  Happy and Healthy New Year to everyone.
January's going to be a pretty busy month. I'll be at Bruno's every Thursday
with different bands, etc. Also I'll be at Zebulon's Lounge in Petaluma every
Friday with different bands.  And more. The Nels Cline Singers will be at
Yoshi's on January 20th.  Games will be doing a house concert in Berkeley on
January 18th.  Lots going on.
The new Scott Amendola Band record is done and packaged. We'll be playing at
the Great  American Music Hall on Feb. 25th to celebrate it's release.  A
very special bill.
Please check for details.  
peace and love,
scott a.


Games @ Bacar
Art Hirahara-piano
Todd Sickafoose-acoustic bass
Scott Amendola-drums
special guest:
Eric Crystal-saxophones

There is no cover at the bar or the wine salon.
for dinner reservations call: 415-904-4100
448 Brannan St. (btwn 3rd and 4th)

Thursday, January 2nd, 2003.

CRATER@ Bruno's
w/ Special Guest Avi Bortnick (John Scofield, The Dry Look)

Devin Hoff-electric bass
Scott Amendola-drums/electronics
special guest: Avi Bortnick-guitar, effects
2389 Mission St.
(415) 648-7701


Friday, January 3rd
CRATER at Zebulon's Lounge in Petaluma.

Todd Sickafoose-electric bass
Scott Amendola-drums/electronics

21 4th St.
petaluma, CA

"Spooky stuff... all getting into each others heads until  it's one big head,
pulsing, morphing, flaring...they strive for union in simplicity, for gradual
growth, ebb and flow.  CRATER's feel approximates certain moments from Miles
Davis' 70's, adding elements of modern dread and substituting wonder for
pain.  It feels like now... There are no styles any more, only music."    Greg
Burk,  LA Weekly
  * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
*    *









dear friends...It's been over three years that our fifth issue has been inching its way toward completion, and things are finally getting close enough that we can start talking about it. It's an exciting issue, so we can't wait to finally get it out the door. Not only are we featuring some of our favorite artists, we're also including TWO CDs of exclusive material for the first time... but more on that later.Big thanks to all of our contributors and subscribers for hanging on and having faith that we would eventually get our act together and get this issue out.Ê It's happening!We'll be back in touch with a definitive release date soon -- we're looking at sometime in the first half of 2003 -- but for now, here are some details about what's in store...>> contents <<Eliane Radigue, interviewed in 1998 by Ian Nagoski"The space should be filled up with the sounds, like in a shell. Like if you were in the body of a piano or any instrument... All the air should be vibrati!
ng, and we should take a bath in it."Find out more about Eliane Radigue: or La Casa, "surrounding breathing""I'll go so far as to say that everything should be in that instant when microphone and landscape succeed in communicating a dazzling encounter. I don't use the microphone as an ear, but as a completely separate tool-I'm not trying to reproduce what my ears hear. Recording is always a question of a moment in a landscape re-proportioned by the size of a microphone. The landscape's hum is of course a part of it, but above all it is a tremendous accumulation of substances in motion."Find out more about Eric La Casa: (French) or Lopez, "Purposeless memory scraps [and some of their consequences] of a passionate drifter""New York City, after an intense sonic immersion inside mechanical and!
 boiler rooms in office buildings, two killer cocktails: vodka with plum wine, caipirinha with sake. That fine touch of a thin slice of cucumber floating in the clean atmosphere of the glass. Like the high-pitch crispy sounds that swing around the space, freed from the speakers, as I carefully move the EQ faders to create them during the performance."Find out more about Francisco Lopez: Miller, "Borbetomagus: The first two decades""1981--To the burgeoning "Downtown Scenesters," Borbetomagus are a bunch of uncouth, boozing artistes brut, troglodytic outsiders who are "just too goshdarn loud!" To Borbeto, these consummate fools who will nonetheless dominate the press and venues around NYC (and outwards across the globe for decades to come), are a sniveling cadre of pretentious, overachieving weasels, terrified of the potentials of extreme expression and atavistic resurgence, volume's effect upon air pressure, and psycho-acoustics in gen!
eral."Find out more about Borbetomagus: Bailey, "SCHEMPF, another tradition.""The event was at Leeds University, a number of groups were playing and - unusually for that time, 1958 - there was some kind of interim music between the groups, supplied by a record player set up next to the piano. Schempf announced his arrival by kicking this thing - the record player - across, and subsequently off, the stage. Nothing unusual in that, you might think, or in the sound produced by the stylus as it juddered across the record, but in 1958 it WAS unusual and it created quite a stir among the dancers, auditors and particularly the bouncers (the euphemism, security, hadn't been discovered at that time). But Schempf, having dealt with the record player, totally ignored all other distractions. Divesting himself of an enormous fur coat, he was straight onto the piano."Find out more about Derek Bailey:!
l or CDs!The magazine will also include two companion CDs featuring exclusive material from all five artists, one of which is devoted entirely to the first ever release of Eliane Radigue's 1973 work Psi 847. Very exciting!If you're hungry for more, visit to see some images from the issue.Ê Also, you can order a copy of halana #4 while it's still available.>> advertising <<We'll be sending out info about advertising when the street date for halana #5 is closer. Advertising-related questions are always welcome at>> new address / old address <<After a brief stint in Narberth, we're back to our original Ardmore address. Please take a moment to make sure you have our current contact info:halanapo box 502ÊÊ ardmore, pa / / 419.781.7542 (fax)Best wishes for 2003!Chris, Allison and everyone at halana...don't want to hear fr!
om us anymore?Just drop a line to and we'll take you right off the list, though we'll hate to see you go.





Happy New Year a few days early!

Benjomatic ( ) is playing the following shows in January

Saturday the 4th at FAT CITY DELI (3127 North Davidson st, Charlotte, N.C.
704-343-0240) at 9:30 P.M.
Wednesday the 8th at J.P LOONEY'S (3021 Spring Garden st, Greensboro, N.C.
336-852-1331) at 10:00p.m.
Thursday the 16th at THE BLIND TIGER (2115 Walker Ave, Greensboro,
336-272-9888) at 9:30 p.m.
And Thursday the 23rd at THE GARAGE (110 W.7th Street, Winston Salem, N.C.)
at 9:00 p.m.

Also, THE GLITTER FACTORY in Raleigh, N.C. (1436 Rock Quarry Road. Call
919-601-3131 and ask for Kirk Adam...) is having a CD release party for my
solo project Clang Quartet ( ). The disc is
my new one called 'The Separation of Church And Hate'. This gathering starts
at 10:00p.m. on Monday the 6th of January. I don't know if I'll be there or
not bacause of previous obligations but I wanted to tell you about it!

Until we meet again...LOVE AND KISSES!!!

Scotty Irving






*****  JANUARY 2ND 2002 *****



*****Incognita upcoming news: Starting January 23rd we'll be broadcasting
LIVE on!
          Also: Incognita's first annual PAJAMA JAM happening January 30th!
          Email to participate, more details coming
9PM - 2AM. $5. 21+ FREE BEFORE 10PM!!!!!
For info email 
or visit 
And check out

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CCAM / scène nationale de Vandœuvre


Concerts en Janvier



- HOMMAGE A PETER KOWALD : Jeudi 16 Janvier 2003 - 20:30


Peter aurait du être de la fête. Le destin en décida autrement. Deux trios pour un vibrant hommage à l'un des créateurs de la scène européenne de l'improvisation musicale, maître de la contrebasse

- 1ère PARTIE
Batterie + Percussion : MICHEL DELTRUC
Orgue + Piano : IVAN GRUSELLE

Si le duo de Michel Deltruc et Ivan Gruselle est installé dans le paysage musical depuis de nombreuses années (y compris lors de collaborations pour des projets d'envergure : "La Philharmonie du bon vide", en création lors de Musique Action 2002), ce trio découvert en juin dernier est une des bonnes surprises du moment : un esprit rock dans un écrin post-jazz.

- 2ème PARTIE :
Saxophones + aérophones + Objets sonores : PHILIPPE AUBRY
Guitare électrique : RAYMOND BONI

Philippe Aubry réunit ici des musiciens d'exception pour une rencontre qui nous emmènera des nuages du jazz (Raymond Boni) à l'énergie la plus actuelle (Eric Echampard, certainement le batteur de notre temps). Energie et virtuosité…


- Les Yeux de l'Ouïe  (Vidéo expérimentale / concert) : Mardi 21 Janvier 2003 - 20:30




- Musique du Monde "Nuit d'Albanie" : Mercredi 29 Janvier 2003 - 20:30

Trois formations :  La famille Lela de Permet / Malakaster / Esat Ruka


- Georges Aperghis : Lundi 03 Février 2003 - 20:30 (Opéra de Nancy)

"Récitations" (1978-79) interprété par DONATIENNE MICHEL-DANSAC (soprano)

"Jactations" (2002) interprété par LIONEL PEINTRE (baryton)


Réservations auprès du CCAM

1 place de l'Hôtel de Ville

54500 Vandœuvre lès Nancy

tel : 03 83 56 15 00









Sunday, January 5th, 2003

Attend a free workshop directed by Scott Kelman - for
those seeking to develop their own performance and
creative skills from a totally original perspective.
The workshops have provided inspiration to hundreds of

artists, performers and all others seeking more
and presence in their work and life.

A recipient of many directorial and performance
Scott's workshops contain influences as diverse as The

Marx Brothers to The Living Theater and Eastern
to Western jazz. The LA Times once wrote about Scott's

work "...for anyone hungering for artistic integrity,
and a touch of the bizarre."

SUNDAY, Jan 5th, 11:00AM to 1:30PM
Dreamswell Studio, 2857 SE Stark Ave (SE 29th & SE
Must Reserve/Limited Enrollment - CALL 503-777-5879

for more information on the workshop and Scott Kelman
please go to







- VERT PITUITE La belle -

Here is a little introduction of our association called Vert Pituite la belle, based in Paris for two years and our new released of Fabrice Eglin and Benjamin Renard.


Vert Pituite has several type of actions : CD production, events, and the journal “Phrênésie” ’s co-publishing (with the APO 33 association). We’re collaborating with artists, collectives and associations we like, insisting on the network notion : how to work together, to share process, trying to make of this production and diffusion work, something engaged, independent and alternative.

We have programmed events in Rennes (Brittany-France) and Paris. As far as this, we have invited the band [N:Q] (with Keith Rowe, Julien Ottavi, Christophe Havard and Jean Chevalier) ; the Dust Breeders (Michel Henritzi, Yves Botz and Thierry Delles), Masahiko Okura, Taku Unami, Masafumi Ezaki, Gert-Jan Prins, Thomas Ankersmit, Jérôme Noetinger, Fabrice Eglin and Benjamin Renard, Bobby Moo (Alexandre Bellanger, Miho and Arnaud Rivière), Sharif and Christine Sehnaoui, Mazen Kerbaj, Junko Hiroshige, Luc Larmor, Yannick Dauby, Laurent Dailleau, Jean-Philippe Gross, Manu Leduc. And soon, we're preparing events with Manu Holterbach, sophie durand, Jean-Luc Guionnet, Eric La Casa, Michael Vorfeld...

We have already release two CD :  

 > Régis Bunel “Blauer salon” -solo tenor saxophone and prepared saxophone, recorded in Berlin in 2001

> Benjamin Renard & Fabrice Eglin  -amplified guitar, and electro-acoustic devices, recorded in Grenoble, France in 2001


You can listen extracts (MP3) here : ; Theses two CDs are distributed by Metamkine. (

We're preparing the next issue of the Phrênésie journal (a journal + one CD) with special pieces of Brandon Labelle, John Tilbury, Julien Ottavi, Erell Latimier etc.

We are waiting for more distribution, so if you want to receive these CD, answer us with your mail adress and we will send them to you.

best wishes, and thanks for your attention. Don't hesitate to contact us if you want more information about us and our propositions. 

Olivier Brisson

Vert Pituite la belle

11 place Gambetta

75020 Paris






































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